"Spearfishing gear for brave spearos"
VAU 105
Vau is the Tahitian name for the Dog Tooth Tuna, one of the most sought-after species in international spearfishing. This incredibly powerful fish is known for being one of the toughest fighters in the tropical seas, making it a true challenge for any spearfisherman.
The VAU 105 is a highly sophisticated "Vela" system designed to be extremely powerful and precise without any recoil or kickback effect. With its smooth handling and incredible accuracy, VAU 105 can reach a range of up to 6 meters.
Here are the technical specifications:
All VAU 105 are made individually to order, with customization options for fishing and accessories. After purchase, we will provide an estimated delivery date via email. Price refers to the speargun, one shaft, bands and an empty titanium reel.
If you need help customizing your order, feel free to reach out via email, we will help you to customize your order to the least detail.